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Winners on the Ballot: AOC in Congress, Wright and Zinerman in State Assembly

The votes are in and here’s a comprehensive list of what happened during June Primary for Black and Brown candidates running for Congress and State Assembly. 

Early voting capped with 46,241 voters as of the close of polls just before Tuesday. The most votes coming in from Queens.

An Election Night’s recap, according to unofficial city and state election night results posted by the Board of Elections (BOE):

Famed Congressmember Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) took an early lead and ultimately won her reelection over candidate Marty Dolan in the 14th congressional district with 82.02% of the votes. 

RELATED: The voting power of the Bronx’s Co-op City

Incumbent Congressmember Jamaal Bowman took an early lead with 83.56% of the votes in his highly anticipated smackdown with Westchester County Executive George Latimer in the 16th congressional district. Then, Latimer started to outpace Bowman with 58.81 % of the votes shortly after the close of polls. Bowman’s lead dropped to 40.60 %. Outlets called the race in Latimer’s favor.

“We have so much work still to do,” said Bowman in his live streamed speech about the loss. He thanked his on the ground team and staff. “Let’s keep building coalition.”

In response to the results National Director of the Working Families Party Maurice Mitchell added in a statement, “Rep. Jamaal Bowman faced an avalanche of outside spending from AIPAC and its GOP donors. Even with a powerful, multi-racial coalition behind him, it wasn’t enough to overcome the onslaught of attack ads and misinformation.”

In the five eagerly watched state assembly races in Harlem, Brooklyn, and the Bronx, here’s who took home the gold:

Harlem Assembly candidate Jordan J. G. Wright scored the coveted 70 Assembly seat to replace longtime Assemblymember Inez Dickens, who is slated to retire this year. Wright maintained an early lead with 47.93% of the votes. Opponents Maria Ordoñez got 29.50%, Shana Harmongoff got 17.22%, and Craig Schley got 5.10%.

Between incumbent Assemblymember Stefani Zinerman and newcomer Eon Tyrell Huntley in District 56, were neck and neck. Zinerman maintained her early lead with 52.34% of the votes. Huntley trailed close behind with 47.34%. 

Incumbent Assemblymember Eddie Gibbs took an early lead with 42.00% of the votes over candidates Tamika Mapp, Xavier Santiago, and William Smith in District 68, cinching his reelection. 

Incumbent Assemblymember Al Taylor garnered 72.14% of the votes over candidate Julien Segura in District 71. Segura got 27.01%.

And, newly elected via special election Assemblymember Landon Dais beat out challenger Leonardo Jose Coello in District 77. Dais got 59.21% of the votes and Coello trailed close behind with 40.32%.

The post Winners on the Ballot: AOC in Congress, Wright and Zinerman in State Assembly appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here