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TSA Plans To Lift 3.4-Ounce Liquid Limit: What Travelers Must Know

Packing your liquids for a trip can be an absolute nightmare. With TSA’s 3-1-1 rule (meaning all liquids 3.4 ounces or less in a quart sized bag), you sometimes are forced to leave your favorite perfume, sunscreen or other beloved products behind. Fortunately, that might not be for long!

According to Conde Nast Traveler, the implementation of new CT scanners at airport security checkpoints may bring down the age old quantity restriction on travel liquids. These high-tech scanners are equipped to detect hazardous liquid via 3D imaging. Thus, resolving the security threat that put the liquid restriction in place.

Certain European airports have already temporarily tried lifting the 3.4 ounces (100ml) liquid restriction with the rollout of the 3D scanners like Teeside, London City, Kerry, Donegal, and Shannon airports. Some have reinstated the restriction since the pilot. It’s with fingers crossed that the states will soon scrap the restriction too—and according to what TSA told Conde Nast, “[it’s anticipated that] the limit on liquids will be lifted in the coming years.”

However, you might not be aware that there are already 11 full-sized liquids approved by TSA—and trust us, some are quite puzzling.

Bag of liquids at TSA
Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Those 11 permitted items include:

  1. Live fish
  2. Prescription medicine (in gel, aerosol or liquid)
  3. Fresh eggs
  4. Ice, gel, and freezer packs (necessary for medicines)
  5. Baby formula
  6. Baby/toddler food & drink
  7. Wet batteries (non-spilling)
  8. Duty free items
  9. Liquid teethers
  10. Over-the-counter medication
  11. Biological specimen (non-infectious in preservative solution)

TSA notes on their website that “Even if an item is generally permitted, it may be subject to additional screening or not allowed through the checkpoint if it triggers an alarm during the screening process, appears to have been tampered with, or poses other security concerns.”

As for now, passengers must still abide the 3-1-1 rule while traveling.

The post TSA Plans To Lift 3.4-Ounce Liquid Limit: What Travelers Must Know appeared first on Secret NYC.

* This article was originally published here