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This Was The Most Common Airline Complaint Of Last Year

Each calendar year, the Department of Transportation accepts public submissions including complaints, inquiries, and opinions from the public on air travel for that allotted time period. They recently released their Full Year 2023 Airline Consumer Submissions Data, spilling just how satisfied passengers were with services this year and some of their top complaints.

Actually, last year marked the highest number of submissions on record, excluding 2020, with 96,853 submissions in total. For comparison, the DOT only received 86,240 submissions for 2022.

To break down what those nearly 100,000 submissions covered, 67,661 were in regards to U.S. carriers, 24,991 concerned foreign air carriers, and 3,162 were about travel companies. It’s important to note that complaints oftentimes make up the majority of the submissions. In fact, an average of 91% of submissions were complaints over the past three years.

A top air travel complaint of 2023 dealt with disability-related issues. In total, 2,685 complaints about the topic were filed. That’s 587 more complaints for disability-related issues filed in 2023 than the year prior.

Someone in a wheelchair being assisted to enter airplane
Wikimedia Commons / Arie Basuki

Other complaints dealt with discrimination-related incidents. A total of 233 of those were recorded in 2023, which is more than the 176 filed in 2022.

The DOT currently uses an outdated system to collect these annual submissions but are working to modernize it with a Technology Modernization Fund (TMF) investment. In fact, so many complaints were received this year that the report had to be delayed in order to review and process them all.

See the full data report here.

The post This Was The Most Common Airline Complaint Of Last Year appeared first on Secret NYC.

* This article was originally published here