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Take charge of your health during National Men’s Health Month

close up photo of a stethoscope

As June closes out National Health Month, men are being encouraged to pay attention to their health. Small efforts, like scheduling routine medical check-ups, to larger efforts like quitting smoking, changing diet, and monitoring blood pressure are all changes that can help prolong life expectancy.  

“At a time when American men are living on average six years less than American women, it is vitally important that men take steps to prevent and treat health issues that can shorten our lives and take us away from our loved ones,” said Somerset County’s Commissioner Deputy Director Doug Singleterry, liaison to the Somerset County Department of Health. “I know from personal experience it’s sometimes hard to get to the doctor between work, family, and community activities, but it is vital that we make the time so we can be there for our families as long as possible.”

Men’s Health Month is observed every June in the United States. If interested in looking for a local physician to make an appointment with, check out the website, which provides a free search for doctors in your area.

The post Take charge of your health during National Men’s Health Month appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here