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Harlem Bespoke:  Americanish (Iman Zawahry, 2021, 107 min). The film, set in Jackson Heights, Queens follows two sisters and their newly-immigrated cousin as they navigate the consistent and sometimes conflicting demands of romance, culture, work, and family.

Thursday, May 11th, 6:30PM-9:00PM, Americanish at Museum of the City of New York, 104th Street and Fifth Avenue. Serving both as a lighthearted reimagination of and critical divergence from the classic romantic comedy, Americanish tackles and celebrates the complex intersectionalities of womanhood by welcoming us into the world—with all its joys and tribulations—of these three women. A Q&A with Iman Zawahry (Director, Writer, Producer) and Aizzah Fatima (Writer/Producer) will follow the film.
  Online tickets now available at the MCNY website:  LINK

* This article was originally published here