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Harlem Bespoke: We received a wonderful response to our original Palm Cafe post a few years ago and thought it would something the Bespoke audience could appreciate.  The above postcard is from around 1950:

Thanks for reviving old memories the the famous “Palm Cafe” where I worked as a waitress in the early sixties. Having said that, please be advised that the photographs do not reflect the dining room in its state of elegance. All tables were covered with white cloths and dressed with cloth dinner napkins. I have a photograph of the entire staff (including me) sitting at the rear of the dining room. One day, I will surprise you by sharing it. I remember waiting on Langston Hughes, Sidney Poitier and
Sam Cook. In fact, almost everyone who appeared at the Apollo Theater
visited the Palm Cafe. The owner was Ralph Bastone. His son Freddie Bastone, owned the famous “Top Club” at St. Nicholas and 125th Sts.

* This article was originally published here