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Harlem Bespoke: Saturday, May 13th, from 3:00PM-6:00PM, Harlem Shake on Lenox by 124th Street, celebrates 10 years of being a part of the Harlem community. For the special day –
Dine-in specials:
2 for $10 Harlem Classic burgers
2 for $10 Shakes (shortie size)
$10 for Froze.   Live jazz and more on this great day in Harlem!  More on the original Harlem Shake can be found in our past post: LINK 2023

* This article was originally published here

Data Management: Key Strategies for Businesses

The #1 source in the world for all things Harlem.

Effective data management enables businesses to make informed decisions, streamline operations, and provide better customer experiences. This blog post will explore several key strategies that businesses can use to improve their data management processes and discuss the importance of investing in enterprise data management. Key Data Management Strategies Data Governance This refers to the overall…

The post Data Management: Key Strategies for Businesses appeared first on Harlem World Magazine.

* This article was originally published here

Mayor Adams SBS Commissioner Kim Kick Off Small Business Month From Harlem To Hollis

The #1 source in the world for all things Harlem.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York City Small Business Services (SBS) Commissioner Kevin D. Kim today kicked off “Small Business Month.” They did this by announcing that the NYC Business Express Service Team (BEST) initiative has helped save New York City small businesses more than $22 million by avoiding fines and violations. Since the…

The post Mayor Adams SBS Commissioner Kim Kick Off Small Business Month From Harlem To Hollis appeared first on Harlem World Magazine.

* This article was originally published here

Jury finds Ed Sheeran didn’t copy Marvin Gaye classic

NEW YORK (AP) — A jury concluded Thursday that British singer Ed Sheeran didn’t steal key components of Marvin Gaye’s classic 1970s tune “Let’s Get It On” when he created his hit song “Thinking Out Loud.”

The verdict in New York came after a two-week trial that featured a courtroom performance by Sheeran as the singer insisted, sometimes angrily, that the trial was a threat to all musicians who create their own music.

Sheeran sat with his legal team throughout the trial, defending himself against the lawsuit by the heirs of songwriter Ed Townsend, who created the 1973 soul classic with Gaye. They said “Thinking Out Loud” had so many similarities to “Let’s Get It On” that it violated the song’s copyright protection.

At the trial’s start, attorney Ben Crump told jurors on behalf of the Townsend heirs that Sheeran himself sometimes performed the two songs together. The jury saw video of a concert in Switzerland in which Sheeran can be heard segueing on stage between “Let’s Get It On” and “Thinking Out Loud.” Crump said that was “smoking gun” proof he stole from the famous tune.

When Sheeran testified, he repeatedly picked up a guitar resting behind him on the witness stand to demonstrate how he seamlessly creates “mashups” of songs during concerts to “spice it up a bit” for his sizeable crowds.

The English pop star’s cheerful attitude on display under questioning from his attorney, Ilene Farkas, all but vanished under cross examination.

“When you write songs, somebody comes after you,” Sheeran said during his testimony as he explained that the case was being closely watched by others in the industry.

He insisted that he stole nothing from “Let’s Get it On” when he wrote his tune.

Sheeran’s heirs said in their lawsuit that “Thinking Out Loud” had “striking similarities” and “overt common elements” that made it obvious that it had copied “Let’s Get It On,” a song that has been featured in numerous films and commercials and scored hundreds of millions of streams spins and radio plays in the past half century.

Sheeran’s song, which came out in 2014, was a hit, winning a Grammy for song of the year. His lawyers argued that the songs shared versions of a similar and unprotectable chord progression freely available to all songwriters.

Gaye was killed in 1984 at age 44, shot by his father as he tried to intervene in a fight between his parents. HE had been a Motown superstar since the 1960s, although his songs released in the 1970s made him a generational musical giant.

Townsend, who also wrote the 1958 R&B doo-wop hit “For Your Love,” was a singer, songwriter and lawyer who died in 2003. Kathryn Townsend Griffin, his daughter, testified during the trial that she thought Sheeran was “a great artist with a great future.”

She said she had hoped the lawsuit would not result in a trial, “but I have to protect my father’s legacy.”

The post Jury finds Ed Sheeran didn’t copy Marvin Gaye classic appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here

MOME And NYC Public Schools Kick-Off  5th Annual NYC Public School Film Fest 

The #1 source in the world for all things Harlem.

The Mayor’s Office of Media and Entertainment (MOME) and NYC Public Schools kicked off the 5th Annual NYC Public School Film Festival from Harlem to Hollis. Which celebrates the talent and diversity of student voices, at a student screening earlier this week. The event was held at the Museum of the City of New York, and was attended by over…

The post MOME And NYC Public Schools Kick-Off  5th Annual NYC Public School Film Fest  appeared first on Harlem World Magazine.

* This article was originally published here