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House OKs debt ceiling bill to avoid default, sends Biden-McCarthy deal to Senate

U.S. Capitol (275782)

WASHINGTON (AP) — Veering away from a default crisis, the House approved a debt ceiling and budget cuts package late Wednesday, as President Joe Biden and Speaker Kevin McCarthy assembled a bipartisan coalition of centrist Democrats and Republicans against fierce conservative blowback and progressive dissent.

The hard-fought deal pleased few, but lawmakers assessed it was better than the alternative — a devastating economic upheaval if Congress failed to act. Tensions ran high throughout the day as hard-right Republicans refused the deal, while Democrats said “extremist” GOP views were risking a debt default as soon as next week.

With the House vote of 314-117, the bill now heads to the Senate with passage expected by week’s end.

McCarthy insisted his party was working to “give America hope” as he launched into a late evening speech extolling the bill’s budget cuts, which he said were needed to curb Washington’s “runaway spending.”

But amid discontent from Republicans who said the spending restrictions did not go far enough, McCarthy said it is only a “first step.”

Earlier, Biden expressed optimism that the agreement he negotiated with McCarthy to lift the nation’s borrowing limit would pass the chamber and avoid an economically disastrous default on America’s debts.

The president departed Washington for Colorado, where he is scheduled to deliver the commencement address Thursday at the U.S. Air Force Academy.

“God willing by the time I land, Congress will have acted, the House will have acted, and we’ll be one step closer,” he said. That wasn’t quite the case — the vote began about an hour and a half after Biden arrived in Colorado.

Biden sent top White House officials to the Capitol to shore up backing. McCarthy worked to sell skeptical fellow Republicans, even fending off challenges to his leadership, in the rush to avert a potentially disastrous U.S. default.

Swift later in the week by the Senate would ensure government checks will continue to go out to Social Security recipients, veterans and others and would prevent financial upheaval at home and abroad. Next Monday is when the Treasury has said the U.S. would run short of money to pay its debts.

Biden and McCarthy were counting on support from the political center, a rarity in divided Washington, testing the leadership of the Democratic president and the Republican speaker.

Overall, the 99-page bill restricts spending for the next two years, suspends the debt ceiling into January 2025 and changes some policies, including imposing new work requirements for older Americans receiving food aid and greenlighting an Appalachian natural gas line that many Democrats oppose. It bolsters funds for defense and veterans.

Raising the nation’s debt limit, now $31 trillion, ensures Treasury can borrow to pay already incurred U.S. debts.

Top GOP deal negotiator Rep. Garret Graves of Louisiana said Republicans were fighting for budget cuts after Democrats piled onto deficits with extra spending, first during the COVID-19 crisis and later with Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, with its historic investment to fight climate change.

But Republican Rep. Chip Roy, a member of the Freedom Caucus helping to lead the opposition, said, “My beef is that you cut a deal that shouldn’t have been cut.”

For weeks negotiators labored late into the night to strike the deal with the White House, and for days McCarthy has worked to build support among skeptics. At one point, aides wheeled in pizza at the Capitol the night before the vote as he walked Republicans through the details, fielded questions and encouraged them not to lose sight of the bill’s budget savings.

The speaker has faced a tough crowd. Cheered on by conservative senators and outside groups, the hard-right House Freedom Caucus lambasted the compromise as falling well short of the needed spending cuts, and they vowed to try to halt passage.

A much larger conservative faction, the Republican Study Committee, declined to take a position. Even rank-and-file centrist conservatives were unsure, leaving McCarthy searching for votes from his slim Republican majority.

Ominously, the conservatives warned of possibly trying to oust McCarthy over the compromise.

Biden spoke directly to lawmakers, making calls from the White House.

House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries said it was up to McCarthy to turn out at least 150 Republican votes, two-thirds of the majority, even as he assured reporters that Democrats would supply the rest to prevent a default. In the 435-member House, 218 votes are needed for approval.

As the tally faltered in the afternoon procedural vote, Jeffries stood silently and raised his green voting card, signaling that the Democrats would fill in the gap to ensure passage. They did, advancing the bill that 29 hard-right Republicans, many from the Freedom Caucus, refused to back.

“Once again, House Democrats to the rescue to avoid a dangerous default,” said Jeffries, D-N.Y.

“What does that say about this extreme MAGA Republican majority?” he said about the party aligned with Donald Trump’s ”Make America Great Again” political movement.

The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office said the spending restrictions in the package would reduce deficits by $1.5 trillion over the decade, a top goal for the Republicans trying to curb the debt load.

In a surprise that complicated Republicans’ support, however, the CBO said their drive to impose work requirements on older Americans receiving food stamps would end up boosting spending by $2.1 billion over the time period. That’s because the final deal exempts veterans and homeless people, expanding the food stamp rolls by 78,000 people monthly, the CBO said.

Liberal discontent, though, ran strong as Democrats also broke away, decrying the new work requirements for older Americans, those 50-54, in the food aid program.

Some Democrats were also incensed that the White House negotiated into the deal changes to the landmark National Environmental Policy Act and approval of the controversial Mountain Valley Pipeline natural gas project. The energy development is important to Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., but many others oppose it as unhelpful in fighting climate change.

On Wall Street, stock prices were down.

In the Senate, Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell are working for passage by week’s end.

Schumer warned there is ”no room for error.”

Senators, who have remained largely on the sidelines during much of the negotiations, are insisting on amendments to reshape the package. But making any changes at this stage seemed unlikely with so little time to spare before Monday’s deadline.


Associated Press White House Correspondent Zeke Miller and writers Mary Clare Jalonick and Seung Min Kim contributed to this report.

The post House OKs debt ceiling bill to avoid default, sends Biden-McCarthy deal to Senate appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here

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Organizing an outdoor sports kids event is a great way to give children the opportunity to stay active, have fun, and make lasting memories. However, there are many things that must be taken into account in order to ensure a successful and safe event. From crowd control to safety, here are seven important factors that…

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Housing Choice Voucher Program

black handled key on key hole

The Hunterdon County Division of Housing will conduct a lottery for those who want to get on the waiting list for the subsidized Housing Choice Voucher Program.

The federally funded program provides monthly rental subsidies to approximately 482 families, as long as their chosen rental unit meets all federal Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) guidelines.

The division will accept applications for the lottery from June 1–15.

The application will be available online, but you can also call 908-788-1336 for assistance with registering.

The post Housing Choice Voucher Program appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here

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Designing a bakery store can be a daunting task, especially when you’re trying to create a space that not only looks good but also functions well for your customers. To create a successful bakery store, you need to consider the needs of your customers and design your space accordingly. One key element to consider is…

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* This article was originally published here

A new exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum takes on Picasso’s ‘problematic’ legacy

A new exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum takes on Picasso's 'problematic' legacy

Pablo Picasso is said to have uttered the phrase: “For me there are only two kinds of women—goddesses and doormats.” But the latest exhibit at the Brooklyn Museum shows him the door.

It’s Pablo-matic: Picasso According to Hannah Gadsby,” which opens on June 2, juxtaposes the famous artist’s works next to feminist pieces with similar themes. Quips by Australian comedian Hannah Gadsby on wall texts lampoon the famous artist’s works (like “No head. No arms. The sculptor shapes only what is absolutely necessary … for him.”). It’s on view through September 24. 

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Gadsby’s well known for a comedy series on Netflix called Nanette, where the comedian lambasts Picasso’s misogyny (and takes on many other topics, too). Gadsby co-curated the show with Brooklyn Museum staff.

“I think it is futile to engage directly in a conversation about whether we should ‘cancel Picasso.’ Not least because it is impossible. He’s already happened to us. Plus, Picasso doesn’t care. He’s dead. He won’t learn anything. This isn’t about him. Just kidding! It is. But not really,” Gadsby’s quoted as saying in the exhibition.

Artwork at It's Pablo-matic, presented on blue and red walls.
Photograph: By Rossilynne Skena Culgan / Time Out

Even so, the show brings Picasso’s legacy in stark relief. While Picasso’s sordid history with women is nothing new, his icon status has largely gone unquestioned. Plus, the conversations about how we view heroes in the art world have shifted, Lisa Small, the Brooklyn Museum’s senior curator of European Art, tells Time Out New York

“The question that gets bandied about is ‘what do we do with the art of terrible men?’” Small says.

It’s not a cancellation; it’s a conversation—and we hope an interesting one. 

The show doesn’t provide an answer to that question because there is no one answer, she said. Instead, the exhibit features Picasso’s works alongside pieces by feminist artists who came to prominence in the 50 years since his death.

“It’s recontextualizing not only his work, but these conversations around him,” Small tells Time Out

Though “It’s Pablo-matic” acknowledges the transformative power and influence of Picasso’s work, it doesn’t shy away from critically examining the artist’s legacy. Fifty works by Picasso and 50 works by feminist artists fill several rooms of the museum, deconstructing concepts like the female nude, sex, desire, and the chasm in opportunities between male and female artists.

Artwork at It's Pablo-matic, presented on red walls.
Photograph: By Rossilynne Skena Culgan / Time Out

“Picasso has, in many ways, become a problematic figure, and the critical work of feminist art historians and artists over the past 50 years has played a significant role in his reframing,” Small said in a press release.

Brooklyn Museum is one of many across the globe to explore Picasso’s work as 2023 marks 50 years since the artist’s death. They were invited by Musée National Picasso-Paris to think about what Picasso means today, then given free rein to interpret that theme.

In the 50 years since Picasso’s death, second-wave feminism blossomed, and those concepts take root throughout the exhibition.

The exhibit begins with a room featuring the Guerrilla Girls, Linda Nochlin, Faith Ringgold and Judy Chicago—canonical feminist artists and scholars. For example, the Guerrilla Girls’ iconic poster reading “Do women have to be naked to get into the Met Museum?” hangs across from Picasso’s “The Sculptor,” which is filled with hidden phallic shapes. A quote from Gadsby invites visitors to look for the phallic images. “Is it fair to ask me to separate the man from his art when he couldn’t even separate himself from his art in his art? Asking for a friend.” 

A clip of Hannah Gadsby in "Nanette."
Photograph: By Rossilynne Skena Culgan / Time Out | A clip of Hannah Gadsby in “Nanette.”

In addition to quotes from Gadsby, wall texts also feature quotes from the artists themselves. The museum contacted every living woman artist they featured to ask for their thoughts on Picasso. For deceased artists, the museum looked for their previous quotes related to the show. An audio tour is also available.

Some of the featured artists include Cecily Brown, Renee Cox, Käthe Kollwitz, Dindga McCannon, Ana Mendieta, Marilyn Minter, Joan Semmel, Kiki Smith, May Stevens, Mickalene Thomas, and Rachel Kneebone.

Feminist artwork by Mickalene Thomas.
Photograph: By Rossilynne Skena Culgan / Time Out | Artwork by Mickalene Thomas.

Kneebone, whose porcelain sculpture is on view in the show, wrote this about Picasso: “We could cancel Picasso for some of the things he did, but what he created continues to affect people and inspire them. What matters is that we are able to have the discussion, the conversation about him and his work, instead of just bracketing off the one from the other.” 

That’s a sentiment Small echoes. 

“I think the use of the term ‘cancel culture’ and in many ways in the action itself that corresponds with that word, is a kind of futile way of not engaging in complexity and nuance and the failures and foibles and flaws of all people, which isn’t to say that they should be excused,” Small says. “It’s not a cancellation; it’s a conversation—and we hope an interesting one. Picasso is too big to fail. Picasso’s going to be fine.” 

* This article was originally published here