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NYC’s First Dog-Friendly Café Shuts Its Doors For Good This Month

Let’s be honest–we like dogs more than we like people (okay, we’re kidding…sorta), so obviously we use any excuse we can get to show our fur babies off to the world. And thankfully NYC makes it easy to do so–it’s one of the best cities in the world for dog lovers and is home to many dog-friendly bars, cafés, and restaurants. But sadly, we’re now losing one.

Boris & Horton, NYC’s first Department of Health approved dog-friendly café is closing its doors for good after a six year run, as first reported by EV Grieve. Both the café’s East Village and Williamsburg location are set to close.

The announcement was made via Instagram, stating:

We have some sad news to share with our beloved community. After over 6 years in business, we’ve made the devastating decision to close both locations of Boris & Horton on February 26th.

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The reason behind the closure wasn’t stated, but the owners said they’d rather “celebrate the great times [they’ve] had as New York’s first dog-friendly café” than dwell on what didn’t work.

New Yorkers are, of course, saddened by the news, taking to the comments on the café’s Instagram post to say things such as “Oh no. You will be so missed. Can we help in any way?????” and “Oh no! This is terrible news. Thank you for all of the amazing work you did for the NYC dog community! You will be missed!!”

Some are even asking if there’s anything they can do to save the café from closing.

Boris & Horton will sell their merchandise and fixtures “at a deep discount” up until closing for good on Monday, February 26th.

The post NYC’s First Dog-Friendly Café Shuts Its Doors For Good This Month appeared first on Secret NYC.

* This article was originally published here