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Biden’s finally in the race!

U.S. Sen. Joe Biden (294922)

President Joe Biden has officially tossed his hat into the ring, and almost immediately his campaign kicked into motion. “Let’s finish the job!” he announced, restating the words he repeated during his last State of Union address. 

His reelection bid, which 70% of respondents in a recent poll said he shouldn’t run, may be a rematch between him and Donald Trump. If Biden should win he would be 86 at the end of his second term, making him the oldest ever to hold the nation’s top office.

Fortifying his campaign—and he should be the nominee since there’s been no real challenge in the Democratic Party—is not only his incumbency. Biden can point to a number of achievements in the unemployment rate; unexpected midterm successes; a supreme court triumph in Wisconsin, a critical swing state; and the tumult in Tennessee where three state representatives have aroused the party. Now it’s to be seen to what extent the DNC will take advantage of these positive developments.

Moreover, Vice President Kamala Harris has been unstinting in her advocacy for women’s rights and the abortion issue, and she has made several trips abroad touting the Biden administration’s foreign affairs.

Even with the good things Biden can trumpet, there remains the challenge he faces from a Trump candidacy, particularly in a nation that is so perilously divided.

It took some time for Biden to make up his mind, and his supporters are probably hoping he won’t take that long to ignite his legion of followers. Already there are indications that he’s ready to finish “the job.”

The post Biden’s finally in the race! appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here