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Biden wins New Hampshire primary, but no delegates

Joe Biden (299180)

Perhaps as a write-in candidate, President Biden has found another path to victory. At least that was the case on Tuesday in the New Hampshire primary. His name was not on the ballot, the new Democratic National Committee-sanctioned primary calendar, so he had to be a write-in candidate. He won handily over Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson, although he will not get any delegates. 

Even so, a victory is a victory and should give a boost to his campaign, which has been sluggish and burdened with complaints. Biden did not visit New Hampshire and has given the bulk of attention to the primary in South Carolina that was so decisive in turning things around for him in the previous election. 

To some degree, the New Hampshire primary was a litmus test to determine how Biden would do against Trump, who was the projected and expected GOP winner. According to a couple of polls, in a head-to-head race, Trump would beat Biden by a percentage point.

With New Hampshire behind him, Biden and Vice President Harris got back on the campaign trail with a rally in Virginia on Tuesday, stressing the importance of reproductive rights. “The Supreme Court did what it had never done before,” Biden said about what would have been the 51st anniversary of the Roe v. Wade decision: “They ripped away a fundamental constitutional right that was in place for nearly 50 years.”

Biden went on to blame Trump for taking “away this freedom in America.” But even before Biden began his speech, he was met with a barrage of chants about the Middle East crisis: “Genocide Joe—how many Palestinian children have to die?” Biden had no immediate response, but after a pause, other chanters came to his rescue with “Four more years!”  

This will probably be a scene repeated for the next several months as the nation moves closer and closer to November. 

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* This article was originally published here