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6 extremely accurate habits only New Yorkers understand

6 extremely accurate habits only New Yorkers understand

Everyone wishes they were a New Yorker, but not everyone has that “it” factor (and by “it,” we mean anger issues and an attitude).

We recently asked our readers to define the essence of a New Yorker by filling in the blank: “I’m from New York City, of course I ___.”

Here are their most awesome responses. 

1. Look both ways on a one-way street before I cross

New Yorkers aren’t known for being patient or lawful drivers. In fact, some car owners like to play a game called “Let’s see how close I can inch towards a pedestrian without actually hitting them” and, yeah, it’s not our favorite. The perils of crossing a New York City street are known far and wide, and so you really do have to look both ways even if you’re crossing a one-way street, just to be safe. Yes, despite the likely decriminalization of jaywalking

2. Hate how tourists walk

Just because they’re on vacation doesn’t mean we’re on vacation. We don’t mind tourists, but we do mind when they decide to stop in the middle of the sidewalk, sometimes abruptly, while trying to find their way to Times Square. We’re not visiting the suburbs and stopping our cars in the middle of the road while we look for directions, so we expect the same courtesy from tourists when we’re on our way to work. 

3. Know how to parallel park

Parking spots are nearly as coveted here as livable space, which means that you could find yourself looking for one for a while before you find a gap that will actually fit a vehicle. Once you do, you have a few seconds to parallel park before the entire city starts beeping behind you.

4. Fold my slice in half before eating it

Not only is this the correct way to eat a slice but it also keeps all the delicious contents of the pizza from slipping out. A 10 out of 10 in technique. 

5. Love egg creams

There’s an abundance of great food to choose from in this city, but there are also the classics that have shaped locals’ palates for decades. Like bagels, egg creams have become synonymous with a city that makes them better than anywhere else. According to a recent competition, some of the best egg creams in the city can be found at Brooklyn Farmacy & Soda Fountain in Carroll Gardens; Junior’s in Downtown Brooklyn; Juliana’s Pizza in Fulton Ferry District; Egger’s Ice Cream Parlor in Staten Island; S&P Lunch in the Flatiron District; and Lexington Candy Shop on the Upper East Side.

6. Jaywalk 

Why should we wait another minute for the pedestrian light to change when we could cross the street right this very second? New Yorkers are experts at knowing exactly when and how fast to walk in between oncoming cars to avoid getting hit, and it’s a survival skill that has likely saved us hours of valuable time. 

* This article was originally published here

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