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A New Flea Market Is Making Its Way To Brooklyn Next Month

Who are we to resist an afternoon of thrifting? Fortunately, the BQ Flea is gearing up for an October debut, so we have roughly two weeks to craft a wish list.

Whether you’re in search of eclectic jewelry, home trinkets, or antique accessories, you’ll likely find a few gems at this new flea market from the creators of The Brooklyn Flea. At this time, “vintage and second-hand items, local artists, makers, entrepreneurs, and everyone in between” are invited to submit their applications for vendor status.

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Though the debut is still a few weeks away and matters are being finalized, it seems as though there will be plenty to peruse at this Williamsburg outpost. We’re totally ready to do a deep dive.

All about the BQ Flea

From 10am to 5pm on Sundays in October, interested shoppers can make their way under the Brooklyn-Queens Expressway (BQE) on Meeker Avenue between Union Avenue and Lorimer Street to scope out the selection of treasures.

As more information is revealed about the vendor list and the food selections that are Brooklyn-bound, we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop. Visitors can also expect weekly activations and local programming.

And there’s more good news: though the flea market is only slated for an October 2024 run at this time, should things go well, it will return on a weekly basis in 2025. We’re crossing our fingers!

So, what’s on your list? Personally, we’re never one to resist a few antiques for our apartment. We’ll see you there — don’t forget to bring a few empty totes.

📍 Under the BQE on Meeker Ave. between Union Ave. and Lorimer St.

🗓 Sundays in October, 10am-5pm

For more information, or to learn how to apply as a vendor, visit the Brooklyn Flea website.

The post A New Flea Market Is Making Its Way To Brooklyn Next Month appeared first on Secret NYC.

* This article was originally published here

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