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More Coyotes Than Usual Are Taking Up Residence In The Bronx

If you’ve been hearing coyotes howling during the night in the Bronx then no, you aren’t dreaming. As it turns out you won’t just find humans, pigeons, and rats in the Bronx–you’ll also find coyotes, and more than usual at that!

And no, we’re not crying wolf…or, well, coyote.

As reported by Pix 11, residents around the Bronx’s Claremont Park have said they’ve seen an uptick in coyotes this summer.

And while coyotes taking up residence in NYC is nothing newcoyotes have been spotted wandering areas of NYC as early as 1994, and it was reported back in 2022 that an estimated a total of 20-30 coyotes are now residing in the city–the number is apparently on the rise.

Coyote in bushes
Unsplash / Hanna May

While residents of the area have expressed their concerns and fear for their safety and that of their pets, there is some good news: officials say there’s nothing to fear.

So long as residents respect the animals’ privacy, animal experts and parks officials say the coyotes are no cause for worry.

In fact, some residents aren’t phased with having coyotes as their neighbors, stating that they’re simply “a part of city living that needs to be accepted.” Others, however, think it’s “very dangerous having the coyotes around here with these dogs, and kids are playing,” according to Pix 11.

Regardless on residents’ opinions towards their furry neighbors, they don’t seem to be going anywhere. This is due to the trees and greenery that have been added in the Bronx over the last few decades.

Pix 11 writes that Keith Lovett, the director of animal programs at the Bronx Zoo, stated “As the city is devoted to making more and more green spaces, by default they’re making more habitat for wildlife. In this case, they’re making habitat for coyotes.”

Unsplash / Lance Anderson

The New York City Parks Department stated:

Coyotes are living within the city limits, throughout the different boroughs.  We have no reason to believe the coyotes in question are unhealthy or pose a threat to human safety. However, as with all wild animals, we advise everyone to keep their distance and avoid close contact.

So it looks like us New Yorkers are just going to have to get used to coexisting with these animals! Thankfully, the Parks Department has five easy tips for coexisting with coyotes, which include:

  • Do Not Feed Coyotes: keeping them wild is the key to coexistence
  • Remove Attractants: store food, pet food, and garbage in animal proof containers. do not leave food or garbage behind in a park
  • Supervise Pets: walk dogs on a leash and keep cats inside for safety
  • Keep Coyotes Wary: if you’re approached, act big and make loud noises until the coyote retreats
  • Appreciate Coyotes: but from a distance! stay at least 150 feet or more from the animal

More information about living with coyotes in NYC can be found here.

The post More Coyotes Than Usual Are Taking Up Residence In The Bronx appeared first on Secret NYC.

* This article was originally published here