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Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign

Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign
Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign
Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign
Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign

President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris (299076)

Question: “How do you feel about President Biden leaving the campaign and how do you feel about Vice President Harris as the potential nominee?”

Yasmin Minos photos

Coast Victor – Bronx, 22

“[Biden leaving the campaign] was very surprising and actually very scary because I as a gay man who is 22 years old and doesn’t really know much politically, I just don’t want another person to try and set us back like Trump with all of the abortion laws and anti-trans laws and making rights for women in general and LGBT [something that’s at risk]. It’s like something to think about and scary to think about now.”

Chanel – California, 34

“I would say, not gonna lie, when I first heard I was really shocked and kind of nervous, because it’s kind of like, what? That’s what I was waiting for, but now that I’ve done a bit more research and Kamala I think I mean, obviously, she’s qualified and, you know, I think we need something new, something fresh. I don’t know a woman would be great!”

Xavier Pierre – Flatbush, 21

“I think Joe Biden dropping out of the election definitely changes things because he was probably the biggest person in the Democratic Party. He was really old and he didn’t make a lot of mistakes in his speeches before. So, I think it was eventually going to happen. It’s up to whatever happens now, with Trump running and maybe Kamala. I feel like she [Harris] has a chance. I hope she does get it, you know, being the first female Black president. That would be pretty cool.”

Courtney – New Jersey, 30

“I was actually glad, frankly, or excited that he dropped out of the race because I supported him in 2020. I was planning to vote for him again, but I was just feeling that he was too old and his performance was just not up to par and he was going to lose the election to Trump. So I’m actually excited. I feel like this is going to bring new life into the party; people are going to be more engaged in an election that’s not just between the same two elderly men that it was four years ago.”

The post Public opinions on Biden leaving the 2024 presidential campaign appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here