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This beautiful new waterfront park just opened in the Bronx

This beautiful new waterfront park just opened in the Bronx

Bankside Park is a new waterfront park in Mott Haven—the residential neighborhood in South Bronx—that officially opened to the public last week, giving area residents direct access to the Harlem River for the first time in 100 years. 

The green space was built on an industrial brownfield (basically, underutilized land due to pollution)  as part of a larger project: the 4.3-acre Bankside mixed-use development. 

According to Bronx News 12, “the park offers lounge chairs, café seating, shaded areas and a gorgeous river view.” 

“The Bankside Project stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to revitalizing the Bronx through sustainable and inclusive development,” said Bronx Borough President Vanessa L. Gibson in an official statement. “This remarkable transformation of a former Brownfield site into a vibrant, mixed-income community with waterfront spaces accessible to all members of our Bronx community, demonstrates what we can achieve when we work together. We are not just building homes; we are creating opportunities, enhancing livability, and shaping a brighter future for all Bronx residents.”

Bankside Park adds itself to a pretty hefty roster of new public parks that officials have been celebrating all throughout the city in the past few years. 

Pier 97 park, for example, is located across from West 57th Street and, although not yet completed, certain sections are already accessible by folks walking by. 

Last year, on the other hand, Brooklyn Bridge welcomed The Arches, a recreational space and community gathering spot set right beneath the landmark in Chinatown, located at the intersection or Rose Street and Avenue of the Finest. Last week, officials announced plans to develop the Brooklyn portion of the area, where 12 new pickleball courts will be set up alongside a number of other recreational pursuits. 

Finally, a little over a month ago, Abolitionist Place park, a 1.15-acre public green space that honors Brooklyn’s abolitionist history, debuted at 225 Duffield Street.

It’s the golden era of NYC public parks—and we’re absolutely here for it.

* This article was originally published here