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BK’s Billie Holiday Theatre reopens with Lynn Nottage’s ‘Fabulation or the Re-Education of Undine,’ on through May 19

Lynn Nottage always creates work that teaches us, as Black people, lessons that hit hard but have to be learned. With her production of “Fabulation or the Re-Education of Undine,” she teaches that we should never forget where we came from when we are successful: Don’t be that Black person who has financial success, treats people like garbage, and gloats in your own sense of importance, because it can all be taken away from you in a moment. 

I love the fact that the Billie Holiday Theatre used this work as its first full production re-opener after being closed for renovations since 2019. This theater is a treasure in Brooklyn, and is much appreciated.

Nottage’s play presents us with Undine, and we quickly get to know how shallow she is and then watch as her world turns upside down. When Undine reaches rock-bottom, all of her “friends” abandon her immediately. As the creditors come to take all she has, even her “best friend” watches, does nothing, and feels Undine should understand. Undine finds herself needing to go back to her family, of whom she has said unbelievable things, and she gets into situations with family members that are very much off the beaten track for her. The play follows as she pays the consequences for her actions and theirs.

She realizes that she has angered the Orishas and will have a heavy price to pay. What happens to her should be a lesson to all: Never turn your back on your history, your family, your neighborhood, or your African name. Don’t strive to be something you’re not. And never be ashamed of the people who knew you before all the education, fame, money, and notoriety.

The cast delivers Nottage’s work in a 100-minute torrent of emotions. Felicia Curry is captivating as Undine. She takes the audience through an emotional rollercoaster that is needed for her character to realize what truly is important in life. 

The rest of the ensemble cast perform at least two roles each—as ensemble members and a particular character. Mariyea is dynamic as Stephie, Undine’s much-abused assistant. Kimberlee Walker is gripping as Mother. Tito Livas brings the heat as Undine’s sexy, unscrupulous husband Herve/Guy. Evander Duck Jr. is intriguing as Father. Sharon Hope is enthralling as Grandma. Roland Lane is riveting as Flow, Undine’s brother. Alex Gibson does well as her Accountant.

The production has intriguing direction by Martavius Parrish, set design by Rodrigo Escalante, costume design by Christopher Vergara, lighting design by Amara McNeil, sound design by German Martinez, and hair and wig design by Nikiya Mathis.This production runs through May 19, so make plans to go on this journey with Undine soon. For ticket information, visit

The post BK’s Billie Holiday Theatre reopens with Lynn Nottage’s ‘Fabulation or the Re-Education of Undine,’ on through May 19 appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here