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KnowYourNumb3rs August 31- September 6, 2023

Zodiac/Astrology (193652)

Rebirth of A New Nation: Uranus is honored to join the current retrograde season to add more emphasis and texture with a splash of color vision to your eyesight in an old-fashioned way. Jupiter will play its role in joining the retrograde on September 4, 2023, a time to reflect, reorganize, and reinvent yourself in areas of personal, business, financial, spiritual, and personal appearance. Uranus will trigger your memory and emotions. A lot of what you didn’t see is revealed to better gain knowledge of self, both within your environment and on a global level. “While we revel in the passion of the ‘moment’ braving the whirlpool of time, a flow of vibrations may surprise us and reveal unsuspected power in our inner self, giving us muscle and confidence.” — Erik Pevernagie

Capricorn: Get ready for September to be an eye-opener full of amazing progress, experiences, lessons, abundance, and grace. You’ve got to keep your eyes peeled and ears open for the things the divine has put in place and in sight for you. A graceful revelation of things unknown will express itself to you. Continue to follow your spirit and allow your heart to guide you, and remember: you give your brain the command to make it a reality. From September 3 around 11 a.m. until September 5 around 4 p.m., you are not in the driver’s seat, so just watch how things unfold in slow flow motion. Take a backseat and watch the movie play out. 

Aquarius: It’s time to tidy up in September; nothing personal, it’s all business, even your existence. No time for what-ifs; it’s all about utilizing your imagination and seeing yourself having it, and then the reality will occur. Not everything you hear is true. Go to the main source to get the correct information. When something isn’t feeling right, ask yourself what, who, where, when, and where to recall data for the answer you need. From September 5 around 4:07 p.m. until September 8 around midnight, your establishment, along with your reputation, are key focuses to continue to elevate. It’s not always green on the other side of the world, it might just be orange, red, and gold. 

Pisces: It’s time to make big boss moves to complete a vision you’ve been working on. Do not drag your feet; feel your creative spark to see your project through. When you decide to do something, your brain and the universe are working on catering to your needs when you apply the footwork. What is the fuel that drives you to your passion to manifest your dream? This week, be a bit selfish of your time and space, but not egotistically, and listen with an open heart. From August 30 around 9:56 a.m. until September 1 around 9 a.m., when you observe, you receive more, so stay in the flow like water. 

Aries: When you are driving, there are constantly signs and symbols around you. Like the red, yellow, and green lights, each has a meaning. What other signs do you see, feel, hear, and sometimes touch that are sending you messages? What you seek, you will find. When the messages, signs, and symbols appear, do not misinterpret them; it is what it is. It’s up to you to do your part, which is to follow your gut and not overreact. From September 1 around 9:25 a.m. until September 3 around 10:30 a.m., operate in a different approach to receive a different outcome. Invest in yourself and do what feels right in your heart to do.

Taurus: Enough is enough. If you are not following your heart mission, then change the direction of your course. That sounds like a Jupiter retrograde after being in direct motion to see if you stay on the mission. You do not need permission from anyone but yourself to follow your dreams and the gift that the divine installs in you. Beyoncé sings a song called “Listen” — it’s time to listen to yourself and not the people who claim they know what is best for you. That ah-ha moment is fast approaching, and you are about to make bull moves no one saw coming. From September 3 around 11 a.m. until September 5 around 4 p.m., once a bull’s mind is made up, it’s on a mission, so folks need to step aside and get out of the way.

Gemini: What’s on your mind while your ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde? Having conversations and doing things differently than normal — for example, checking to see if you did the work and are not just talking. It’s time to show and prove when Mercury stations direct motion. What do you have to lose? Give it your best and forget the rest. Address any concerns or matters of the heart to progress forward in your life. Contradiction can play a role only if you doubt your potential. Say and do what’s in your heart, and the results will follow suit. From September 5 around 4:07 p.m. until September 8 around midnight, when you do your best you feel great,

Cancer: A whirlwind of emotions is building up in the process of purging, meaning it’s time to reinvent yourself to rise to the occasion. This week feels like a one-stop shop; once you let go, new opportunities are showing up. It’s a cycle to rediscover your talents and utilize them differently to gain resources and be a resource to others. Be mindful of sharp instruments, such as knives, as you may be a bit clumsy this week and an accident of any kind can happen. From August 30 around 9:56 a.m. until September 1 around 9 a.m., with all that talent, what’s your story behind the scenes? 

Leo: September is “WOW, Woah, I’m so grateful, I’m so thankful.” When you push purpose on a mission to see your vision, the help, resources, and people will show up. Sometimes in life, it’s about catching up, which means stop idling and get to work toward your passion and drive. Once you are driven to make a vision come true through all the obstacles, trials, errors, and great times, remembering the experience is the step to success. It’s in the process. From August 30 around 9:56 a.m. until September 1 around 9 a.m., the soul is aligning you with a date with destiny. Unfolding all the details, you’ll find this is not a dream, it’s real.  

Virgo: Get in position for September to set off the remaining three months of the year for the growth and expansion of your business and plans/projects. Build up your confidence, process, systems, strategies, team, and curriculum for the next upcoming project debut. It’s been a minute since you’ve been on the scene with new stuff. The planet Mercury is in retrograde in your sign, passing you the ball to get your feet in the game. From September 3 around 11 a.m. until September 5 around 4 p.m., take notes, follow up on homework assignments, and outline personal and business expenses. Apply for resources within your community for what you need to make progress. 

Libra: September is coming strong, similar to when Libra season kicks in: the air rubs against your neck differently than in the summertime. This month, get into a structured routine that you will commit to for a length of time. Do not allow anyone to distract you from your course. When it seems that all odds are against you and the work is getting tougher, do not break or fold; just continue the mission. From September 5 around 4:07 p.m. until September 8 around midnight, work through the process to pass the test from the universe that puts you on the spot. 

Scorpio: Can you say, “Do you remember?” September is a flashback moment of things revealed. Wait for it. How far do the rabbit and beavers’ burrows go? Well, there is always light at the top and at the end of the burrow, if you dig to get out. What you see is what you get. The question is, what is your response, and what angle of approach are you coming from? This weekly adventure is spiritual and divine on purpose for you to see your potential and what you possess inside rather than outside. From August 30 around 9:56 a.m. until September 1 around 9 a.m., without the details, you are missing both the point and the other side of the story. 

Sagittarius: This is a soul contract mission to put you in a position to network and create a new program of your choice. It’s all about the choices we make in our lives that will lead us on different paths. With experience, you make better decisions and position yourself differently. This week, it is meeting with the bosses and those in higher positions. What boss moves are you making? What pieces are you moving on the chess board, and what game pieces are you playing as yourself in Monopoly, or are you the game? From August 30 around 9:56 a.m. until September 1 around 9 a.m., when you decide, miracles happen.

The post KnowYourNumb3rs August 31- September 6, 2023 appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here