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Mayor Eric Adams: Take Canarsie upstream with ferry service

We demand equity and access in Canarsie and urge Mayor Eric Adams to address the imbalance in NYC Ferry service. This fight is about fairness, ensuring equal opportunities for all neighborhoods in our city.

Mayor Eric Adams, as the former Brooklyn Borough president, your advocacy for ferry service in Canarsie ignited hope and excitement. However, progress on this commitment has been lacking since you entered City Hall. We invite you to help us navigate upstream together, cut through the waves of inequality, and establish ferry service for Canarsie.

The NYC ferry system currently tilts in favor of wealthier, predominantly white waterfront neighborhoods, creating an unjust divide. It’s time to rebalance the scales and extend ferry benefits to communities like Canarsie. Our community deserves swift and reliable transportation to bridge the gaps and shorten travel times.

Introducing a ferry stop in Canarsie will not only stimulate economic activity and attract investments, but also create a rising tide of job opportunities. Let’s unlock Canarsie’s untapped potential and propel local businesses forward. Expanding the ferry service to Canarsie will chart a course toward cleaner and greener transportation, reducing emissions and steering us toward a more sustainable future.

As a cornerstone of your NYC Ferry Forward plan, outreach to NYCHA residents must be a steadfast commitment. Canarsie’s Bay View Houses, mere footsteps away from Canarsie Pier, beckon for improved accessibility and enhanced connectivity.

Mr. Mayor, the time for action is now. Make NYC Ferry access a reality in Canarsie and fulfill the promise you made to our community. Together, let’s construct a city where transportation flows with fairness, economic opportunities flourish, and our dedication to environmental sustainability is fully realized. 

Join us, Mr. Mayor, as we set sail toward a future where every neighborhood is connected, every voice is heard, and every opportunity is within reach. Together, we can navigate these uncharted waters and create a city that uplifts us all.

Jibreel Jalloh is a community organizer and activist who founded and leads a Canarsie-based advocacy organization that has fought for a range of investments. Jalloh graduated from Baruch College (CUNY) and is currently pursuing a master’s degree at New York University. Learn more at and follow on social media @TheFlossyOrg.

The post Mayor Eric Adams: Take Canarsie upstream with ferry service appeared first on New York Amsterdam News.

* This article was originally published here